Friday, November 14, 2008

Batman: Val Kilmer 1995

What can I say? After two successful movies, Burton and Keaton bow out and director Joel Schumacher and Val Kilmer take the helm for Batman Forever. Schumacher tries to dial of the erotic, with a more "organic" look and feel, ie, phallic Batmobile and nipple protruding from the suit.

The end result is, Kilmer is sort of like George W and the recent Republican presidents. Keaton revived the character, as Reagan did the GOP. Clooney killed the franchise (more on him in the next post,) like George W is leaving his party in shambles.

George W and Kilmer were sort of the inconsequential middle men who failed to live up to the high expectations of the man before him. Although they didn't completely mess up, they still weren't asked back for a second go.

(Don't ask me where Bill Clinton or Christain Bale fit into this, because the metaphor breaks down and I don't know.)

At the end of the day, if Kilmer can survive playing a blind guy who gets sight in At First Sight, the guy is going to do alright. More recently,
Kilmer is the new voice of KITT on the new Knight Rider, to be honest, not entirely sure what to make of that.

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